Sonam Yangzom
A couple of weeks ago I received a letter from India containing the photo and a brief bio on Sonam Yangzom, the Tibetan nun I am sponsoring. I found it interesting that we are a few years apart in age, and decided to seriously pursue Buddhism around the same time in our lives, 18; only I still have not become a nun, yet.
Note: The scar on her forehead is from doing numerous prostrations in Tibet.
Newly Sponsored Tibetan Nun
Blogathon 2006 went surprisingly well. I was able to raise $125, listed and unlisted on, for
The Tibetan Nuns Project.
I have myself sponsored a nun, as of today, and look forward to seeing who I will be helping. Again, if you are interested in knowing who the nun is, either check back in a few weeks or send me an email and I will be glad to let you know.
A round of applause for all bloggers during Blogaton 2006
Until Blogathon 2007
Thank you again.
And Good Night.. . . back to the regularly scheduled programing.
You can do anything if you put your mind to it.
"The Home Stretch"
As Blogathon is winding down, and I am more awake than I was at this time yesterday, so why is it that I did this, why did I sacrifice a day to blog for
The Tibetan Nuns Project? What, because I am Buddhist and I feel an obligation to help take care of the monastic community? That seems very reasonable to me, but that is not the reason why, but it is in there. I chose to help because I could help, because I could do something to help others. I believe in something so strongly and I am doing something about it, and letting others know as well.
Ignorance is not bliss, and if we as a human species keep turning our backs on each other and every other living creature, then we as a planet are doomed to self-destruction.
There is room to change.
Every little bit helps.